Monday, July 25, 2011

PWO Wrestlelution 4 Predictions

I have been watching Pro Wrestling Ohio since I got on Direct TV, and I did see highlights of Wrestlelution 2 and Wrestlelution 3. Now, Wrestlelution 4 is almost upon the fans in Ohio, and I, as a Birmingham, Alabama wrestling fan, would like to make some predictions on the top matches. So, here goes:

Wrestlerama Trophy Match
Bobby Shields vs Ben Fruith

Ben Fruith got a measure of revenge by defeating N8 Mattson for the Wrestlerama trophy, just to have it allegedly stolen by Bobby Shields. I don't know about this, but I think that Fruith just missplaced the thing and Shields found it and wanted to return it, but couldn't find the time. be that as it may, I say that Bobby Shields will dismantle Fruith and takt the trophy as his prize.
Winner: Bobby Shields

4 Way Elimination PWO Tag Team Championship
Sons of Michigan (C)
Bender and Castle
The Homeless Handicapped Connection

The Sons of Michigan have been honorable and fighting champions thus far. They are faced with three other tag teams for the titles. The Homeless Handicapped Connection are former tag champions, and that will not change. First, they are not as good of a team as Mattson and Boone, and Hobo Joe smells bad anyway. Bender and Castle, PWO's verson of Dumb and Dumber, are not even in the same league as the Mulkey Brothers, so they are out. Aeroform, Flip Kendrick and Flop Lindon, being that they are from Michigan as well, will join forces with Sons of Michigan, only because they will get tired of smelling Hobo Joe's armpits and dirty underwear, and having a 400+ pound duffus waving at folks all night.
Winners and Still PWO Tag Team Champions: Sons of Michigan

4 Way PWO TV Title Match
Bobby Beverly (C)
Michael Facade
Jason Gory
Shiima Xion

I Like Bobby Beverly. I like his atitude, his wrestling ability, and most of all, he is the undisputed master of "The Thrust"! The only wrestler I like better than Beverly is Jason Gory. Being lead by Krimson is a huge plus for this young man. Shiima Xion is also a quality wrestler, but his eyes are full of stars. Michael Facade, only one word for this guy, BORING! But even with Facade tripping over his own gunboat feet, this will be a great match, a possible show stealer.
Winner and New PWO TV Champion: Jason Gory

Old School Challenge
Nicki Valentino vs Tito Santana

Nicki Valentino is what 80s wrestling was. He has it all, the zubaze trunks, the fanny pack, everything! And after Wrestlelution 4, he will have something else that many wrestlers of the 80s have, a win over Chico Santana!
Winner: Nicki Valentino

Full Circle Three Way Dance
Johnny Gargano vs Josh Prohibition vs Matt Cross

The first three main event competitors in the ring against one another. This is as big as if all of the wrestlers from the first three Wrestlemanias had been in a Wrestlemania 4 match. Matt Cross is know world wide as an outstanding wrestler. His is als known for being tossed out on his ear by "Stone Cold" Steve Austin on Tough Enough. Johnny Gargano is a self righteous jerk. Every promo he does is about himself! I think that he would date himself given the chance. Josh Prohibition put Matt Cross and Johnny Gargano on the wrestling map. Who the heck were Matt Cross and Johnny Gargano before Josh Prohibition helped them out?
Winner: Josh Prohibition

No DQ PWO Championship
Jason Bane (C) vs Krimson

In all fairness, Jason Bane should not be PWO Champion. He broke every rule in the book when he stole the belt from Maron Fontaine, severely injured Agent Aaron Maguire, and delivered an illegal clothline. But justice is coming in the form of Krimson! The "Most Dominate Force in PWO" will fall to "The Most Demented Force in PWO"!
Winner and New PWO Champion: Krimson

Special Tag Team Match
"Megastar" Marion Fontaine and "Big Rig" Brodie Lee
Aaron Draven and "Big Sexy" Kevin Nash with Justin LaBar

I have been following this situation with interest. Justin LaBar is a so-called wrestling journalist who works for a fly by night site called Wrestle Zone.Com. Justin LaBar reminds me of the kid who thought he was the biggest bully in the schoolyard. But when the going got tough, he got going. LaBar got going straight to the phone and called his "buddy" Kevin Nash. And he pulled Aaron Draven from the bottle he was in, and formed a tag team to fight his battle for him. If Justin LaBar was any kind of manly man, he would tell Kevin Nash and Aaron Draven to stay home, and have Fontaine leave The Big Rig home, and fight the fight himself instead of being the sissy that he is. LaBar, hide behind your keyboard.
Winners: Fontaine and Lee

My last predicition, just looking at the card, the ultimate winners will be the wrestling fans of Cleveland, Ohio.

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