Monday, July 25, 2011

PWO Wrestlelution 4 Predictions

I have been watching Pro Wrestling Ohio since I got on Direct TV, and I did see highlights of Wrestlelution 2 and Wrestlelution 3. Now, Wrestlelution 4 is almost upon the fans in Ohio, and I, as a Birmingham, Alabama wrestling fan, would like to make some predictions on the top matches. So, here goes:

Wrestlerama Trophy Match
Bobby Shields vs Ben Fruith

Ben Fruith got a measure of revenge by defeating N8 Mattson for the Wrestlerama trophy, just to have it allegedly stolen by Bobby Shields. I don't know about this, but I think that Fruith just missplaced the thing and Shields found it and wanted to return it, but couldn't find the time. be that as it may, I say that Bobby Shields will dismantle Fruith and takt the trophy as his prize.
Winner: Bobby Shields

4 Way Elimination PWO Tag Team Championship
Sons of Michigan (C)
Bender and Castle
The Homeless Handicapped Connection

The Sons of Michigan have been honorable and fighting champions thus far. They are faced with three other tag teams for the titles. The Homeless Handicapped Connection are former tag champions, and that will not change. First, they are not as good of a team as Mattson and Boone, and Hobo Joe smells bad anyway. Bender and Castle, PWO's verson of Dumb and Dumber, are not even in the same league as the Mulkey Brothers, so they are out. Aeroform, Flip Kendrick and Flop Lindon, being that they are from Michigan as well, will join forces with Sons of Michigan, only because they will get tired of smelling Hobo Joe's armpits and dirty underwear, and having a 400+ pound duffus waving at folks all night.
Winners and Still PWO Tag Team Champions: Sons of Michigan

4 Way PWO TV Title Match
Bobby Beverly (C)
Michael Facade
Jason Gory
Shiima Xion

I Like Bobby Beverly. I like his atitude, his wrestling ability, and most of all, he is the undisputed master of "The Thrust"! The only wrestler I like better than Beverly is Jason Gory. Being lead by Krimson is a huge plus for this young man. Shiima Xion is also a quality wrestler, but his eyes are full of stars. Michael Facade, only one word for this guy, BORING! But even with Facade tripping over his own gunboat feet, this will be a great match, a possible show stealer.
Winner and New PWO TV Champion: Jason Gory

Old School Challenge
Nicki Valentino vs Tito Santana

Nicki Valentino is what 80s wrestling was. He has it all, the zubaze trunks, the fanny pack, everything! And after Wrestlelution 4, he will have something else that many wrestlers of the 80s have, a win over Chico Santana!
Winner: Nicki Valentino

Full Circle Three Way Dance
Johnny Gargano vs Josh Prohibition vs Matt Cross

The first three main event competitors in the ring against one another. This is as big as if all of the wrestlers from the first three Wrestlemanias had been in a Wrestlemania 4 match. Matt Cross is know world wide as an outstanding wrestler. His is als known for being tossed out on his ear by "Stone Cold" Steve Austin on Tough Enough. Johnny Gargano is a self righteous jerk. Every promo he does is about himself! I think that he would date himself given the chance. Josh Prohibition put Matt Cross and Johnny Gargano on the wrestling map. Who the heck were Matt Cross and Johnny Gargano before Josh Prohibition helped them out?
Winner: Josh Prohibition

No DQ PWO Championship
Jason Bane (C) vs Krimson

In all fairness, Jason Bane should not be PWO Champion. He broke every rule in the book when he stole the belt from Maron Fontaine, severely injured Agent Aaron Maguire, and delivered an illegal clothline. But justice is coming in the form of Krimson! The "Most Dominate Force in PWO" will fall to "The Most Demented Force in PWO"!
Winner and New PWO Champion: Krimson

Special Tag Team Match
"Megastar" Marion Fontaine and "Big Rig" Brodie Lee
Aaron Draven and "Big Sexy" Kevin Nash with Justin LaBar

I have been following this situation with interest. Justin LaBar is a so-called wrestling journalist who works for a fly by night site called Wrestle Zone.Com. Justin LaBar reminds me of the kid who thought he was the biggest bully in the schoolyard. But when the going got tough, he got going. LaBar got going straight to the phone and called his "buddy" Kevin Nash. And he pulled Aaron Draven from the bottle he was in, and formed a tag team to fight his battle for him. If Justin LaBar was any kind of manly man, he would tell Kevin Nash and Aaron Draven to stay home, and have Fontaine leave The Big Rig home, and fight the fight himself instead of being the sissy that he is. LaBar, hide behind your keyboard.
Winners: Fontaine and Lee

My last predicition, just looking at the card, the ultimate winners will be the wrestling fans of Cleveland, Ohio.

Fantasy wrestling is argh!

Well, as plans are, plans will blow up! I had planned to use some of this blog as a fantasy wrestling report. I was going to use the TNM 7SE wrestling simulator to sim the matches, and write reports around the results. But I ran into problems from the begining. On a machine that once ran the simulator successfully, now it was kicking the sim off in the middle of setup.

So then I decided to run the sim through command prompt, which worked for a while. Then I got an error message, and then had to start over. Yesterday, my HP Pavilion a1209n Desktop, which replaced the eMachines desktop I bought just before Circuit City shut down for good, finally gave up the ghost. It shut down and will not start back. I'll keep it until I can replace the wired modem with a wireless one. For now, the desktop will go on and give the rest of it's life giving my wireless router help. So I will go back to being just one wrestling fan, and blog about the wrestling I see on TV. Later Dudes!

Monday, July 4, 2011

United States Pro Wrestling Federation-A Fantasy League Story

I do not mean to take so long between post, but sometimes the pressures of life tends to get in the way. But I am going to fix that now. This week, I am starting my fantasy, non-roleplay wrestling league called the United States Pro Wrestling Federation. Using a wrestling simulator called TNM 7, which can be found at , I will be presenting a wrestling program, in conjunction with my web site, which can be accessed here .

After loading the program, and loading the wrestler exports, my first order of business was to "hire" wrestlers. Taking into consideration how I want my federation to be, a mix of veterans and those on the indy scene, I picked the wrestlers I had watched through 2010 and to this point. So, here is my roster taken through the sim:

Your current roster:

Alex Riley................................... (52 cards remain on contract).

CM Punk...................................... (52 cards remain on contract).

R-Truth...................................... (52 cards remain on contract).

Randy Orton.................................. (52 cards remain on contract).

The Miz...................................... (52 cards remain on contract).

Triple H..................................... (52 cards remain on contract).

Chris Hero................................... (52 cards remain on contract).

Claudio Castagnoli........................... (52 cards remain on contract).

Colt Cabana.................................. (52 cards remain on contract).

El Generico.................................. (52 cards remain on contract).

Steve Corino................................. (52 cards remain on contract).

Alberto Del Rio.............................. (52 cards remain on contract).

Jack Swagger................................. (52 cards remain on contract).

Luke Gallows................................. (52 cards remain on contract).

Rey Mysterio................................. (52 cards remain on contract).

The Big Show................................. (52 cards remain on contract).

The Undertaker............................... (52 cards remain on contract).

AJ Styles.................................... (52 cards remain on contract).

Desmond Wolfe................................ (52 cards remain on contract).

James Storm.................................. (52 cards remain on contract).

Jeff Hardy................................... (52 cards remain on contract).

Kurt Angle................................... (52 cards remain on contract).

Magnus....................................... (52 cards remain on contract).

Matt Morgan.................................. (52 cards remain on contract).

Mick Foley................................... (52 cards remain on contract).

Mr. Anderson................................. (52 cards remain on contract).

Rob Van Dam.................................. (52 cards remain on contract).

Robert Roode................................. (52 cards remain on contract).

Sting........................................ (52 cards remain on contract).

Tommy Dreamer................................ (52 cards remain on contract).

Marion Fontaine.............................. (52 cards remain on contract).

The Sheik.................................... (52 cards remain on contract).

N8 Mattson................................... (52 cards remain on contract).

Flip Kendrick................................ (52 cards remain on contract).

Johnny Gargano............................... (52 cards remain on contract).

Shiima Xion.................................. (52 cards remain on contract).

Jason Gory................................... (52 cards remain on contract).

Marshall Gambino............................. (52 cards remain on contract).

Mickey Gambino............................... (52 cards remain on contract).

Leatherface.................................. (52 cards remain on contract).

As you can see, some are from the WWE, some from Impact Wrestling (TNA), and some from ROH and Indy areas. Now that I have my wrestlers, I have to have a champion. With that, I have decided to go away from tradition, and went to the site called, and made out a season using 32 of the wrestlers in the league. This is what I came up with: (Consider "at" to be "vs".)

United States Pro Wrestling League



Division #1

Division #2

Division #3

Division #4


Division #1

Division #2

Division #3

Division #4


Red Conference
Division #1

AJ Styles
Alex Riley
El Generico

Division #2

CM Punk
Steve Corino
Mr. Anderson
Marion Fontaine

Division #3

Desmond Wolfe
N8 Mattson
Kurt Angle
The Miz

Division #4

Randy Orton
The Sheik
Robert Roode
Johnny Gargano

Blue Conference

Division #1

Rob Van Dam
Shiima Xion
Jeff Hardy
Rey Mysterio

Division #2

Triple H
Tommy Dreamer
James Storm
Jason Gory

Division #3

Flip Kendrick
The Undertaker
Colt Cabana

Division #4

Alberto Del Rio
Jack Swagger
Mick Foley
Matt Morgan


Week #1

El Generico at AJ Styles
Alex Riley at R-Truth
Mr. Anderson at CM Punk
Steve Corino at Marion Fontaine
Kurt Angle at Desmond Wolfe
N8 Mattson at The Miz
Robert Roode at Randy Orton
The Sheik at Johnny Gargano
Jeff Hardy at Rob Van Dam
Shiima Xion at Rey Mysterio
James Storm at Triple H
Tommy Dreamer at Jason Gory
The Undertaker at Sting
Flip Kendrick at Colt Cabana
Mick Foley at Alberto Del Rio
Jack Swagger at Matt Morgan

Week #2

AJ Styles at Alex Riley
R-Truth at El Generico
CM Punk at Steve Corino
Marion Fontaine at Mr. Anderson
Desmond Wolfe at N8 Mattson
The Miz at Kurt Angle
Randy Orton at The Sheik
Johnny Gargano at Robert Roode
Rob Van Dam at Shiima Xion
Rey Mysterio at Jeff Hardy
Triple H at Tommy Dreamer
Jason Gory at James Storm
Sting at Flip Kendrick
Colt Cabana at The Undertaker
Alberto Del Rio at Jack Swagger
Matt Morgan at Mick Foley

Week #3

R-Truth at AJ Styles
Alex Riley at El Generico
Marion Fontaine at CM Punk
Steve Corino at Mr. Anderson
The Miz at Desmond Wolfe
N8 Mattson at Kurt Angle
Johnny Gargano at Randy Orton
The Sheik at Robert Roode
Rey Mysterio at Rob Van Dam
Shiima Xion at Jeff Hardy
Jason Gory at Triple H
Tommy Dreamer at James Storm
Colt Cabana at Sting
Flip Kendrick at The Undertaker
Matt Morgan at Alberto Del Rio
Jack Swagger at Mick Foley

Week #4

The Sheik at Alex Riley
CM Punk at R-Truth
Desmond Wolfe at Steve Corino
AJ Styles at Mr. Anderson
Kurt Angle at Marion Fontaine
Randy Orton at N8 Mattson
Robert Roode at The Miz
El Generico at Johnny Gargano
Jack Swagger at Shiima Xion
Triple H at Rey Mysterio
Sting at Tommy Dreamer
Rob Van Dam at James Storm
The Undertaker at Jason Gory
Alberto Del Rio at Flip Kendrick
Mick Foley at Colt Cabana
Jeff Hardy at Matt Morgan

Week #5

N8 Mattson at AJ Styles
Marion Fontaine at Alex Riley
Desmond Wolfe at CM Punk
Steve Corino at Kurt Angle
Randy Orton at The Miz
El Generico at The Sheik
Mr. Anderson at Robert Roode
R-Truth at Johnny Gargano
Flip Kendrick at Rob Van Dam
Jason Gory at Shiima Xion
Sting at Triple H
Tommy Dreamer at The Undertaker
Alberto Del Rio at Colt Cabana
Jeff Hardy at Jack Swagger
James Storm at Mick Foley
Rey Mysterio at Matt Morgan

Week #6

CM Punk at El Generico
The Miz at R-Truth
Johnny Gargano at Steve Corino
The Sheik at Marion Fontaine
Mr. Anderson at Desmond Wolfe
Alex Riley at N8 Mattson
AJ Styles at Randy Orton
Kurt Angle at Robert Roode
Triple H at Jeff Hardy
Colt Cabana at Rey Mysterio
Matt Morgan at Tommy Dreamer
Jack Swagger at Jason Gory
James Storm at Sting
Shiima Xion at Flip Kendrick
Rob Van Dam at Alberto Del Rio
The Undertaker at Mick Foley

Week #7

Johnny Gargano at AJ Styles
The Miz at Alex Riley
N8 Mattson at CM Punk
El Generico at Mr. Anderson
R-Truth at Marion Fontaine
Robert Roode at Desmond Wolfe
Randy Orton at Kurt Angle
Steve Corino at The Sheik
Matt Morgan at Rob Van Dam
Colt Cabana at Shiima Xion
Flip Kendrick at Triple H
Jeff Hardy at James Storm
Rey Mysterio at Jason Gory
Mick Foley at Sting
Alberto Del Rio at The Undertaker
Tommy Dreamer at Jack Swagger

Week #8

Desmond Wolfe at El Generico
Kurt Angle at R-Truth
AJ Styles at CM Punk
Alex Riley at Steve Corino
The Sheik at N8 Mattson
Johnny Gargano at The Miz
Mr. Anderson at Randy Orton
Marion Fontaine at Robert Roode
Sting at Jeff Hardy
The Undertaker at Rey Mysterio
Rob Van Dam at Triple H
Shiima Xion at Tommy Dreamer
Jack Swagger at Flip Kendrick
Matt Morgan at Colt Cabana
James Storm at Alberto Del Rio
Jason Gory at Mick Foley

Week #9

Kurt Angle at AJ Styles
Robert Roode at Alex Riley
El Generico at Steve Corino
The Miz at Mr. Anderson
N8 Mattson at Marion Fontaine
R-Truth at Randy Orton
CM Punk at The Sheik
Desmond Wolfe at Johnny Gargano
The Undertaker at Rob Van Dam
Jeff Hardy at Tommy Dreamer
Colt Cabana at James Storm
Flip Kendrick at Jason Gory
Rey Mysterio at Alberto Del Rio
Triple H at Jack Swagger
Shiima Xion at Mick Foley
Sting at Matt Morgan

Week #10

Alberto Del Rio at AJ Styles
Mick Foley at El Generico
Rob Van Dam at CM Punk
Triple H at Desmond Wolfe
Tommy Dreamer at N8 Mattson
James Storm at Kurt Angle
Jason Gory at The Miz
Steve Corino at Shiima Xion
Mr. Anderson at Jeff Hardy
Marion Fontaine at Rey Mysterio
Randy Orton at Sting
The Sheik at Flip Kendrick
Robert Roode at The Undertaker
Johnny Gargano at Colt Cabana
Alex Riley at Jack Swagger
R-Truth at Matt Morgan

Week #11

Rob Van Dam at AJ Styles
Shiima Xion at Alex Riley
Jeff Hardy at El Generico
Rey Mysterio at R-Truth
Triple H at CM Punk
Tommy Dreamer at Steve Corino
James Storm at Mr. Anderson
Jason Gory at Marion Fontaine
Sting at Desmond Wolfe
Flip Kendrick at N8 Mattson
The Undertaker at Kurt Angle
Colt Cabana at The Miz
Alberto Del Rio at Randy Orton
Jack Swagger at The Sheik
Mick Foley at Robert Roode
Matt Morgan at Johnny Gargano

Week #12

Desmond Wolfe at Rob Van Dam
N8 Mattson at Shiima Xion
Kurt Angle at Jeff Hardy
The Miz at Rey Mysterio
Randy Orton at Triple H
The Sheik at Tommy Dreamer
Robert Roode at James Storm
Johnny Gargano at Jason Gory
AJ Styles at Sting
Alex Riley at Flip Kendrick
El Generico at The Undertaker
R-Truth at Colt Cabana
CM Punk at Alberto Del Rio
Steve Corino at Jack Swagger
Mr. Anderson at Mick Foley
Marion Fontaine at Matt Morgan

Week #13

Tommy Dreamer at El Generico
Jason Gory at R-Truth
Shiima Xion at Mr. Anderson
Rey Mysterio at Desmond Wolfe
Flip Kendrick at Kurt Angle
Jack Swagger at Randy Orton
Colt Cabana at The Sheik
Matt Morgan at Robert Roode
Mick Foley at Johnny Gargano
Marion Fontaine at Rob Van Dam
N8 Mattson at Jeff Hardy
AJ Styles at Triple H
Alex Riley at James Storm
CM Punk at Sting
Steve Corino at The Undertaker
The Miz at Alberto Del Rio

Week #14

R-Truth at Alex Riley
AJ Styles at El Generico
Marion Fontaine at Steve Corino
CM Punk at Mr. Anderson
The Miz at N8 Mattson
Desmond Wolfe at Kurt Angle
Johnny Gargano at The Sheik
Randy Orton at Robert Roode
Rey Mysterio at Shiima Xion
Rob Van Dam at Jeff Hardy
Jason Gory at Tommy Dreamer
Triple H at James Storm
Colt Cabana at Flip Kendrick
Sting at The Undertaker
Matt Morgan at Jack Swagger
Alberto Del Rio at Mick Foley

Week #15

Alex Riley at AJ Styles
El Generico at R-Truth
Steve Corino at CM Punk
Mr. Anderson at Marion Fontaine
N8 Mattson at Desmond Wolfe
Kurt Angle at The Miz
The Sheik at Randy Orton
Robert Roode at Johnny Gargano
Shiima Xion at Rob Van Dam
Jeff Hardy at Rey Mysterio
Tommy Dreamer at Triple H
James Storm at Jason Gory
Flip Kendrick at Sting
The Undertaker at Colt Cabana
Jack Swagger at Alberto Del Rio
Mick Foley at Matt Morgan

Week #16

El Generico at Alex Riley
AJ Styles at R-Truth
Mr. Anderson at Steve Corino
CM Punk at Marion Fontaine
Kurt Angle at N8 Mattson
Desmond Wolfe at The Miz
Robert Roode at The Sheik
Randy Orton at Johnny Gargano
Jeff Hardy at Shiima Xion
Rob Van Dam at Rey Mysterio
James Storm at Tommy Dreamer
Triple H at Jason Gory
The Undertaker at Flip Kendrick
Sting at Colt Cabana
Mick Foley at Jack Swagger
Alberto Del Rio at Matt Morgan

After the 16 weeks of matches, the 17th week will be either a match between two wrestlers with the same record in a division to determine the division winner. If all divisions have been determined, the 17th week will start the divisional round, with the division winners going at it to see who gos on to the conference round.

Week 18 will be the Conference round, and week 19 will be the Championship round to determine the USPWF Ultimate Champion. The plus side of this is that there will also be a true rankings system coming out of this. After the season, the USPWF Ultimate Tag team Championship will be done by a one night tournament.

So, there's the plan. I will post on Monday as a setup for the card the sim will run. Then on Tuesday with results. Friday will be the time I post on the "real" wrestling promotions. Tonight is week 1. Let's see what happens in this universe!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Thoughts and Name Change

Hi folks. I haven't posted in a while, and I do apologize for that. I want to post as often as I can, and I will do that. Sometimes, the pressures of work gets in the way of pleasure. And that is what has happened here. First thing you will notice here is a name change. Just One Wrestling Fan has now become JR Is Redmask. I wanted to be inline with my twitter account, so I named the blog the same. Hopefully I can live up to the bar I am trying to set. Now for the thoughts.

Since the day I got Direct Tv in my apartment, I have been following one wrestling promotion very closely. That promotion is Pro Wrestling Ohio (PWO). Now why would a wrestling fan in Birmingham, Alabama follow a promotion from Ohio? Watching this promotion reminds me of the old territory days in wrestling. They don't have the big lighting that Impact Wrestling and WWE have. They don't have the mats around the ring. There are a lot of things they don't have that the "Big Boys" do have, but that is what makes this promotion great.

There is a situation in PWO which I have been following with interest. There was an incident on PWO TV in which "The Mega-Star" Marion Fontain was verbally accosted by a wrestling "journalist" by the name of Justin LaBar, of a fly by night web site called To set this up, Fontain was the PWO Champion, after winning the title in a clean, scientific way, against the former, or, as Gorilla Monsoon would have said, ex-champion, because it sounds more permanent, Johnny Gargano. In Fontain's first title defense on TV, he took on Jason Bane, to be known here as Magilla Gorilla Bane.

Bane broke all the known rules in the wrestling rule book, atacked the agent of Fontain's, Aaron Maguire, injuring his neck. Then, when the referee was down, threw an illegal clothline, held the tights, and stole the PWO title. After the match, Fontain was upset, and understandably so. What did Justin LaBar do? Well, watch the video below.

Justin LaBar verbally accosted Fontain, pushing him into an argument. An argument that Marion Fontain did not want. Fontain tried to be professional about this, but Labar kept the verbal assault, and may have said something about Fontain's mother. Fontain then slapped LaBar. And LaBar deserved it! Of course, Fontain gave a heartfelt apology later. Just watch below.

This apology even brought a tear even to my eye. But LaBar, being the jerk that he is, decided to do this.

Wow, he wants Marion Fontain in the ring with microphones! Just who does this LaBar fellow think he is anyway, Roddy Piper? And Fontain is supposed to be,  Morton Downey Jr.? First, if anybody has followed this thing from the begining, the the conclusion anybody should come to is that LaBar is the one at fault here.

A journalist is supposed to be objective, not taking sides of an issue, and not being a part of the story. LaBar put himself into the story. was unobjective, and took sides, going so far as to challenge Fontain to a duel of the mouths, if you will, in the ring. LaBar had better realize that once he steps through those ropes, anything goes. And, is LaBar finds himself upclose and personal with a turnbuckle, well, he brought it on himself.

See ya next time!

JR Is RedMask

Monday, February 21, 2011

The Road to Wrestlemania Begins..........


Before I begin, I would like to post an update on my eReader experance this past week. As stated in the last post, I hade bought an Amazon Kindle 3, and I was very pleased with it. However, as all of us do from time to time, I started exploring the Nook Color, by Barnes & Noble. So, this past Thursday, I decided to take the Kindle back to the Best Buy I do my shopping at, and trade for the Nook Color.

I had called at 10am, and asked if they had the Nook Color, to which the lady said yes. And this was a decisive yes! So I traveled to the store, and asked to trade and pay the difference. But when I went to get the Nook Color, alas, they did not have one after all. I saw an eReader called a Pendigital Novel. This had a Barnes & Noble tie in, so I figured I would try this out. Tryout lasted one night.

Some could use this as an eReader, if they could not afford the Nook Color, and if they wanted to wait til the machine decided to turn the page. Oh, the navigation was sweet. Going from the home to your library and what not is great. But when it comes to reading, it takes three to five swipes. to even get the page to turn. And this after a firmware update.

So, I took the thing back and got the Kindle 3 back, and the cover I had bought and returned as well. I never opened that box. I called another Best Buy in the next county, just to check and see if there was another store in the Birmingham area (Birmingham, Alabama). There was not, but before I hung up, I asked if they had a Nook Color. I did that because the store I went to said that no store in the area had one (remember, no store, nada, nunka, none!). They checked, played pretty music on the phone whike they checked, came back and they said that they had 2. I told them the song and dance, and they said they would hold one for me. to which I was on my way.Got there, got 'er done, and now I have my "Red Rider BB Gun" known as the Nook Color. And, as the song goes, lovin every minute of it. Now on the the wrestling.

Road to Wrestlemania

The WWE is gearing up for the must see(even on DVD)event of the year, that being Wrestlemania. Already two matches have been signed. One, being John Cena against WWE Champion, The Miz. I guess I am so tired of having John Cena pushed down the wrestling fans throats, that I will be pulling for the Miz to, not only to defeat Cena, but to destroy him. I would have thought that we would have seen John Cena vs The Rock, and maybe Jerry Lawler defending against The Miz, but that didn't pan out. Instead, we see Cena going for his next WWE title, while Jerry Lawler, and why they are doing this, will probably face Michael Cole. Do we really need this?

But on a better note

The Undertaker made his long awaited return to the WWE ring tonight. But he was clearly upstaged by the return of....The Game! Triple H made his way to the ring, and, in the best non-speaking promos I have ever seen, seemingly challenged Undertaker to a Wrestlemania match! All I can say to this is WOW! And I do mean WOW! This match has all the makings of a Wrestlemania moment. Can Triple H end the streak? I think that he can. Should the streak end? That is a question to be thought about.

Alberto Del Rio vs ?

I don't watch Friday Night Smackdown all that often (I'd rather watch Arena Football on NFL Network), but I do watch enough to know that the storyline they have between Edge and Dolph Ziggler is, how can I say this without offending, sips soda through a straw! Everything is geared toward giving Alberto his World title, since he was a big star in CMLL before gracing the WWE, and I am sure that he will make a fine World champion. Just that enough with the "who has the title anyway" storyline. Besides, it takes away from Wrestlemania, unless they plan on making it a three way match for the title, which would make everything make sense.

Hall of Fame Inductee

I always watch during this time to see just who will go into WWE's version of the Hall of Fame. I watched with interest tonight, seeing that Wrestlemania will be in Atlanta, GA this year. Who would go in? Kevin Nash? He has a contract with WWE. Sting? A natural choice. Booker T? Why not? Then they made the announcement....Hacksaw Jim Duggan! Are you kidding me? Alright, we can debate all year long as to the pros and cons about this one. I just think that it is a lame choice, considering all of the other wrestlers out there to choose from. The head chimp in that office really made a great choice, didn't he?

What I would like to see

Since they "say" that the Rock is back, let's test this. Have the Rock come out and challenge the winner of the John Cena/Miz match. That would send shock waves through the wrestling world. If Sting has signed a contract with WWE, put him in the ring against a quality oponent. Give him his first Wrestlemania moment. Another thing I would like to see is something develop where the WWE title and the World title are finally and forever unified.

Until my next post, always remember, and never forget, to be able to do many things is to acomplish none. Adios Amigos!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Back with a vengance

I haven't been posting as much as I would like. Many things I have had to deal with which required my full attention. However, I plan to post as often as I can from here on out. I want to stray from wrestling(not too far away)to mention that I now have a new toy to play with, called an Amazon Kindle 3. Now what does a wrestling fan need with a Kindle? Let's take a look. I searched books about pro wrestling and found the following:

Blood, Tables and Chairs by Dennis T. McHawes

National Wrestling Alliance: The Untold Story of the Monopoly that Strangled Pro Wrestling by Tim Hornbaker

Chris & Nancy: The True Story of the Benoit Murder-Suicide and Pro Wrestling's Cocktail of Death by Irvin Muchnick

One I will buy asap

Swimming with Piranhas: Surviving the Politics of Professional Wrestling by Howard Brody and James E Cornette

So you see what is out there on the e-readers for wrestling fans, and more on the way. I am really enjoying this thing.


I love TNA wrestling. I think that it is the best wrestling out there now. If only the wrestlers would believe it now. I love the poking fun of WWE's "PG" rating. Reality check here, wrestling was never meant to be a "PG" product. Many things which are "PG" were never meant to be "PG". Google Loony Tunes. Those cartoons were for adults when they started out. There were not for kids. Loony Toons morphed into being for kids. Wrestling, with Hulk Hogan, morphed into something for kids. The so-called "Rock and Wrestling" age was kid driven. Wrestling was always for the adults, and TNA sees this. The don't try to dumb down the product. But there are storylines I wish would die a quick death:

1. The Dixie Carter/Hulk Hogan lawsuit: Enough with this already. Everyone knows that Dixie Carter is running TNA. Everyone knows that Eric and Hulk are the "on air" office people. And, everyone knows that this is only to give Hulk time to recover from his 20th back surgery.

2. Bully Ray/Brother Devon fued: Kill this one fast. We all know how this will turn out. Either Bully Ray, or Devon will be facing another oponent, they will be out numbered in the match, and the other will come down and make the save, blah, blah, blah will be said. And the other will say that there is only one man who could ever be his partner, and bam! Team 3D is back in action. I have watched wrestling since the late 60s. Unless they can do something I have never seen, then this is the way it will turn out.

There comes a time when you know you have over stayed your welcome. I wonder when Kurt Angle, Jeff Jarrett, and Ric Flair will ever get that idea? With all of the neck surgerys Angle has been through, he should actually be the first one to say that he is done. Ric Flair, while his wrestling days are over, should settle in to a managers role if he stays any longer. If anybody could ressurect the manager role in wrestling, it would be "Slick Ric". Jeff Jarrett needs to go away. His "MMA" stint was the most absurd thing I have ever seen. A gimpy 10 year old girl could have made him tap out. Anyway, the country bumbkin role is really wearing on me, and I'm from the south!


Can you smell it? Finally, The Rock has come WWE! To host Wrestlemania 27 in Atlanta, GA, that is. I loved his shot on John Cena, really I did. And I like the fact that they have a wrestler to host Wrestlemania. Then, my heart went down as he announced that Wrestlemania will also have Justin Beiber. Really? (I ask as I hold my nose)

Why do I get the feeling that after this Sunday, that we may actually see Jerry Lawler as WWE Champion? What I do not like is that, just as I said with Kurt Angle, Ric Flair, and Jeff Jarrett, King Lawler should hang up the wrestling boots and stay behind the microphone. Instead, they are trying to sell the "fact" that Lawler has never been world champion. My how we forget the 80s, and that Jerry Lawler defeated Kurt Henning for the AWA World title in Memphis, TN, or the famous feud between he and Kerry Von Eric.

I like Michael Cole,but I am getting tired of him being head cheerleader for the Miz. Let's face it, he is not Francine. But I can see why he would do this. The Miz is the best wrestler out there at this time. And he is AWESOME!!!! I think that there is one more ppv before Wrestlemania, so if they give the belt to Lawler, they could hand it back to the Miz in time for the event. This would add credibility to his reign, and elevate the importance of the Wrestlemania match between he and John Cena(you know that is where this is going).

I'll be back next week with another post. Adios Amigos!